Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rhetorical Analysis V2

Author: The author of this document is King James.

Audience: The intended audience of this document is anyone who lived in England in the 1600's who wanted to live in the new world.

Tone: Everything is stated very plainly, and sternly. There is an authoritative tone all throughout the document, as there should be in any legal papers.

Purpose/Context: The purpose of this document is to lay claim on the first colonies in Virginia. It gives each colonies boundaries, and grants them the use of all the resources they might need there.


(Ethos)As in most legal documents, this document states only fact and does not rely on emotion.

(Pathos) Again, since this is a legal document there is a lot of strong character, in the form of dominant language. The author also seems to be very educated and knows what he is talking about, so its easy to want to trust what he says.

(Logos) This document is logical, because it lays out the the new land so there can be no disputes about it later.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The First Charter of Virginia

Rhetorical Analysis:
Author: The author of this document is King James.
Audience: The intended audience of this document is anyone who lived in England in the 1600's.
Tone: Everything is stated very plainly, and sternly.
Purpose/Context: The purpose of this document is to lay claim on the first colonies in Virginia. It gives each colonies boundaries, and grants them the use of all the resources they might need there.
Persuasion: (Ethos)As in most legal documents, this document states only fact and does not rely on emotion.
(Pathos) Again, since this is a legal document there is a lot of strong character, in the form of dominant language. The author also seems to be very educated and knows what he is talking about, so its easy to want to trust what he says.
(Logos) This document is logical, because it lays out the the new land so there can be no disputes about it later.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Destruction of the Indies

In recent discussions of Destruction of the Indies and of the 16th century Spanish exploration in general, a controversial issue has been the mistreatment of the natives who lived in the land they wished to inhibit. On one hand, some argue that some of these Spaniards truly wished to convert them to the christian faith because they believed they could not be "saved" without it. On the other hand however, some argue that too many did not have such pure intentions. This view is more strongly supported, since it is backed by shocking eye witness reports, such as The Cruelties of the Spaniards Committed in America by Bartolome de Las Casas. Some of the most horrid passages include "They lay wagers among themselves, who should with a sword at one blow cut, or divide a man in two; or which of them should decollate or behead a man, with the greatest dexterity" where Bartolome describes how nonchalantly the well armed Spaniards took the "threat" of the Natives. According to the views of Bartolome and many others, the Spaniards were cold-hearted, cruel people, who were okay with doing anything to get what they wanted in the simplest way possible. In sum then, the issue is whether or not a few, good-intentioned Spaniards can balance out for the chaste actions of their brethren.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Writing Philosophy

My writing philosphy is simple. After years of being told to write in an exact formation, its time to step outside the box. I will no longer be a vessel for words that mean nothing to me, but are jsut a tool to earn a grade. When I press pencil to paper (or fingers to keyboard) only when they are ready to write something with meaning, not something that I feel I could do better on. I will write in the form that I feel best fits the ideals that I am trying to portray in my writing.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

English Composition as a happening

In my opinion, the very first sentence of English Composition as a Happening, where the definition of education is stated as That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding is the clearest statement of what this whole paper is about. Charles Deemer supports this statement by emphasizing how the teacher student relationship at University level lacks a sense of true connection. The relationships have become less about the needs of the student, and more about the stereotype of what they think they are supposed to be. We all believe that our teachers should know all about their subject and be ready to disclose facts at any given moment for us to absorb. So we sit dutifully with pens, pencils and paper at the ready. This, over time has caused disconnect in the student teacher affiliation. Charles Deemer calls for a change in this seemingly never-ending course, and more active student participation through the relinquishing of teachers "authority".

Monday, September 22, 2008

PSEC Entrance Essay

Entrance essay

The PSEC motto “Be the change you wish to see in the world” is something we all should adopt. Especially in this day and age, when so many are in need, and so many other have the means to help. When there are so many ways to get involved and support today, to possibly change someone’s life, it’s a shame that so many of us choose not to.

In years past, I have wasted summer after summer sitting in front of the television. This year I decided it was time for a change. To combat the urge, I taught myself both how to knit and crochet. After the first few weeks however I began to realize I had no use for most of the things I was making. Instead of stopping and giving in to the television once again, I decided to find out a way that I could put my new skills to good use. Through this I found out about Project Linus.

Project Linus is a charity for children who have prolonged stays in hospitals. They provide them with hand made quilts to help make there stays at least a little more bearable. Over the past ten years they have collected over 20,000 blankets for kids ranging from infants to teenagers. Though I am still working on my first Project Linus blanket, I have caught the charitable bug and I have started to look for other organizations such as the FPRR (Friends of Pine Ridge Reservation) which I have just found recently.

I believe that everyone who has the chance to make a difference in the world should strive too. Without people willing to make a change, we would all be stuck in the same place. I found something I could do well, and found a way that I could use it to help others. We all have that power, it just takes the initiative.